<aside> 💡 Consider how your team empathizes with users


Stories act as an empathy device; they can rally your team around a common vision of a customer. A clear, compelling story will unite and guide a team towards success. Stories start with why.

Why stories, and not, say, a product roadmap? Stories are innately human, and our minds are great at analyzing and recalling stories. It's a natural medium for efficient information transfer.

Two Frameworks for Thinking About Stories

Product Stories (38)

Product stories can start off as just stories, but they can be more powerful in other mediums. If it's for a big project, consider developing a product story video. Or a product story storyboard.

Or User Personas (53), generated by:

  1. Analyzing findings within your key customer segments
  2. Determining common traits in each strata
  3. Creating a representative profile for that strata
  4. Refreshing them over time